PLEASE CALL MR NOOR HISHAM HP 93884464 or EMAIL : Bowtechpilates@gmail.com


About Me

Accredited Bowen Practitioner B.T.A.A
Cerified Pilates Trainer
Dip. A & P (UK)

Appt. pls call Mr Hisham hp 93884464

Gd day to you, I'm NoorHisham, a Certified Bowen Therapy Practitioner & Pilates Trainer. I have come a long way to be what I am today. Just to share with you briefly about my personal successes & developments. I came from a classical dance background in ballet, jazz & modern contemporary dance art forms. In 2001-2003, successfully I completed my major ballet exams in both the RAD (uk) & CSTD (aust) & from thereon became a certified CSTD Ballet teacher.

Via my dance background, I studied & practise & taught Power Yoga as well as Myofascial Foam Roller. In 2004, I took up Pilates Teacher’s Training course for a year & graduated in Jan 2005. Eversince I have focused & enjoyed teaching Pilates Matwork till this present day sharing my knowledge & expertise to all my clientele.

In 2006, I was fortunate to be one of the few Singaporeans to study & learn the Bowen Technique the original teachings of Mr Tom Bowen from Geelong Australia. Through this wonderful technique, I have managed & satisfy my clients needs to ease, relieve anxieties & eliminate their acute & chronic problems & sometimes even more ….


What is Bowtech ?

Bowen work is a system of soft-tissue manoeuvres that are performed in such a way that Proprioceptors (in the skin, fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints via certain moves relay encoded signals from Peripheral Nervous System to the Central Nervous System. The technique is gentle & non-invasive, can be performed through clothing. The Bowen technique is a completely new concept in bodywork. It is neither derived from nor similar to any other physical modality :

Misalignments commonly right themselves – yet there is no manipulation of joints or bones as in chiropractic

Muscle tensions and strains are relieved and normal lymphatic flow is restored –yet muscles are not squeezed as in massage.

Meridians show immediate improvements – yet the work is not based meridians, and does not resemble acupuncture or acupressure.

Fascia rehydrates, adhesions release and scar tissue softens – yet there is no heavy pressure as in Rolfing or deep-tissue work.

Internal psychological shifts are common – yet it is not necessary to evoke emotional responmse as in mind-body therapies.
Nearly everyone reports a pleasant, relaxed state, and deep sense of well being and ease

You Tube




How does Bowtech Work ?

The Bowen Technique helps the body remember how to heal itself. The gentle yet powerful Bowen moves send neurological impulses to the brain resulting in immediate responses of muscle relaxation and pain reduction. The moves create energy surges. Electrical impuilses sent to the nervous system remiond the body to regain normal movement in joints, muscles and tendons. This helps relieve spasms and increase blood and lymph flow. Simply it goes through all these stages below to achieve a state of homeostasis :

· Autonomic Nervous system rebalancing

· Stretch Reflex· Joint Proprioceptors

· Lymphatic Circulation

· Spinal Reflexes

· Fascia

· Acupuncture points and meridians

· Harmonic Vibration

Why Is It Effective?

Body's Blueprint (Human Genome) - It taps into the body’s blueprint & resets the body to heal itself like defragmenting a computer.

‘Less Is More’ - Like a homeopathic remedy, Bowenwork is given in small doses.

‘Release Stored Energy’ - Bowen Therapy works because it releases stored energy within the body. Stored energy can cause dehydration of muscles and muscle tension. The Bowen moves release the blood trapped in these muscles and redistributes it through the body. Blood flow is vital as it carries all the nutrients and minerals our bodies need to maintain health. A healthy body can eliminate bacteria and infections that cause illness.

Piezoelecric Current - Most forms of bodywork create piezoelectric current, but Bowenwork moves create a stronger current because the moves are performed crosswise against collagen. Most other therapies push into the body so other structures limit how far the collagen can be stretched. Collagen has been found to exhibit properties that strongly resemble piezoelectric effects. (Shamos, M.H., 1967) Pirre and Paul-Jacques Curie doscovered the piezoelectric effect in 1880.

Ground substance (Gel-like material) - If ground substance loses hydration it hardens & waste & toxins excreted fro the cells can get trapped in the hardened gel. Thus it takes a stronger piezoelectric current created by Bowenwork moves to melt hardened ground substance.
Soliton (Mini-Tsunamis) - Soliton are concentric rings of waves. Contain ‘unseen’ energy but water becomes the medium through which energy travels. This is why tsunami can travel great distances without losing energy. This is the reason the waits in between allow time for the waves to dissipate before adding more moves.

Soliton waves create oscillation that clears the resonance left behind from toxins, illness, injuries & emotions. This allow the body to restore its own natural resonance which would be easy for solitons to travel because the body is mostly made up of 80% water


Bowen therapy uses a vibrational energy, which makes it safe to use on anyone from newborns to the elderly for any complaint from sports injuries to chronic or organic conditions. Bowen facilitates the balancing of a range of conditions. It is a holistic treatment, which aims to treat the whole person. Bowen can help to improve:

Lymphatic and venous draining
Assimilation of nutrients
Elimination of toxins
Joint mobility
Normalisation of cellular physiology and tissue integrity
Increased ability to focus
Elevation of mood
Improved quality of sleep
Improved coping skills
Heal emotional injuries Release long-held tension


A Bowen treatment lasts about 30 –60 minutes. Most of the work can be done through light clothing. No oils or any other equipments used.
During a bowen session, the practitioner uses thumbs and fingers to make rolling typr moves on different muscles on the body. There are times when the therapist actually leaves the room. During the pauses, the body has time to make its own adjustments, which help relieve tension and reduce pain.

Many people experience pain relief after just one session. 2 or 3 treatments are usually enough to achieve long-lasting relief. Even long-term conditions may respond very quickly without having any other kind of bodywork in between . The ideal situation is to give the Bowen Technique a try for 3 sessions, once per week, without having any other other treatment in between.


The pH level of the body needs to be maintained at a level between 7.35 and 7.45. If it is higher or lower than this, symptoms or disease will occur. If the level drops to below 6.8 or rises above 7.8 the cells will stop working and the body will die. When the pH level of the body is not correctly maintained, there are negative effects on the body including problems such as bone weakness, heart problems, obesity and weight problems, allergies, and fatigue, just to name a few.

· Anxiety & stress related conditions
· Back pain, sciatica and spinal problems
· Newborn baby problems (e.g colic, feeding problems & sleep-related conditions)
· Digestive and bowel problems (e.g IBS)
· Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and ME
· Gynaecological conditions such as heavy or painful periods, infertility and fibroids)
· Headaches and migraines, Hormonal imbalance
· Joint problems (such as tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, ankle and knee injuries)
· Post-dental trauma, temporo-mandibular joint problems and jaw disorders
· Post-operative recovery, Respiratory conditions
· Repetitive-strain injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome
· Sports Injuries, Whiplash injuries
· Bedwetting in children/adult
· Chronic fatigue syndrome
· Sciatica, Scoliosis
· Leg length discrepancy
· Hay fever, TMJ, Tinnitus
· Asthma, Candida, Lymphatic Drainage


There are no contraindications that would keep a person from receiving Bowtech sessions. Bowtech is safe and beneficial, from immediately after birth to just before death. There are, however, a few procedures that are contraindicated in specific circumstances:

The “Coccyx Procedure” is not done on pregnant women.

The “TMJ Procedure” is not done on people whose jaws have been surgically altered at the condyles.

The “Breast Tenderness Procedure” is not done on women with breast implants.

Rules & Recovery

Water drink at least 1.5 litres a day

Walking or some gentle exercises

Wait for at least 5 days after treatment before engaging any strenuous exercise / work.

Occasionally people feel detoxification reactions, which can include sensations of

  1. aching muscles· mild nausea· mild headache
  2. changes in sensation of temperature
  3. minor changes in eliminationYour body will function more effectively when the toxins have been released.

During the detoxification, the best way to minimize discomfort is stimulate the lymphatic system to increase the elimination of toxins. You can do this by:·increasing your water intake, and taking distilled water (for a few days only) walking 30 minutes each day in fresh air


Balanced Acidic & Alkaline Foods

The blood pH should be slightly alkaline (between 7.35 and 7.45). Many foods are alkaline-producing by nature, but processed foods are usually very acid-producing. For this reason, we should be eating at least 60 percent of alkaline-producing foods in order to maintain good health.

Alkaline Food/Water

Vegetables – asparagus, artichokes, cabbage, lettuce, onion, cauliflower, radish, swedes, peas, zucchini, leeks, watercress, spinach, turnip, chives, carrots, beans, beetroot, garlic, celery, grasses, cucumber, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts

Fruits – but only lemon, lime, avocado, tomato, grapefruit, watermelon, and rhubarb. Other fruits are classified as being acidic.

Drinks – such as “green drinks”, fresh vegetable juices, pure water, lemon water, herbal tea, vegetable broth, unsweetened soy milk, and almond milk

Seeds, Nuts and Grains – such as almonds, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flax, buckwheat, spelt, lentils, cumin seeds, and any sprouted seed.

Fats and Oils – such as flax, hemp, avocado, olive, evening primrose, and borage

Other foods – such as sprouts (e.g. alfalfa, mung bean, chickpea etc), hummus, and tahini

Acidic Food

Meats – such as pork, lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, and seafood (apart from the occasional oily fish such as salmon

Dairy Products – such as milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, ice cream

Drinks – such as soft drinks, coffee, tea, alcohol, fruit juice, dairy-based smoothies, and milk

Other Foods – such as eggs, vinegar, white pasta, white bread, wholemeal bread, biscuits, soy sauce, condiments, sweeteners & honey.

Fast Foods – such as sweets, chocolate, microwave meals, canned foods, instant soups, instant meals, and takeaway fast food

Fats and Oils – such as saturated fats, hydrogenated oils, margarine, corn oil, vegetable oil, and sunflower oil

Fruits – all fruits excluding those that are listed as being alkaline foods

Seeds and Nuts – peanuts, cashew nuts, and pistachio nuts

Bowtech Merchandise

Bowtech Balance Formula

Anti-Ageing (Bowtech Balance Formula)If you want to slow down the ageing process Bowtech Balance Formula is the ideal remedy to reduce your biological age. Look younger & act younger with Bowtech Balance Formula. This is the one product you do not want to be without.

Dr. Schuessler observed the presence of twelve different Cell Salts in all human cells. He considered the twelve Cell Salts to be the “building blocks” to good health, and a deficiency of any Cell Salt to be the “missing link” in our body’s biochemistry which could result in illness.

Cell nutrition can be supported by supplying the deficient Cell Salts in a readily assimilated form. This is achieved by Homeoeopathictically preparing the twelve Cell Salts and now, BOWTECH BALANCE FORMULA takes it one step further, by providing each ingredient in triple potency – thereby enhancing the action.

Bowtech Ease

Application for Bunions for use after the epsom Salts soak. Specially formulates by Farida Irani.Great News! Not only for bunions but this ayurveda Aromatherapy Blend has proved to be very effective and profound in assisting in relieving back & knee pain & pain associated with fractures, callouses and degerative problems (e.g osteoarthritis..etc)Subtly aromatically scented useful for temporary relief of coughs and cold and assists in relieving sore throats and sinus problems.


The Bowen Technique & Sports

The Inhaler Into Touch

Bowen Technique

Patient Heal Thyself

The Tom Bowen Story

Five Case Histories

Bowen Articles

Relief From Your Migraines

Fibromyalgia Treated Successfully With The Bowen Technique

The Bowen Technique National Migraine Research Program


Mr Hisham

I am fortunate to receive my first Bowen treatment by Mr Hisham on May 2006. He suggested that I should try this techniques since I have nothing to lose knowing that my doctor had recommended that I should go for back surgical due to narrowing of my L2-3 & L3-4 disc spaces with marginal osteophytes and minimal scoliosis convex to my left spine. Thus I encounter back stiffness every morning I wake up and also occasional sciatica. Also due to my rigorous hobbies like mountain hiking, persistent running & possibly gymming for many years led to my knee pain (ITBFS) aside from my stubborn back problems.

In fact I was sceptical about the Bowen technique, but somehow after 3 consecutive weekly treatments in a row, finally I felt better on my ITBFS and my back pain has improved and subside tremendously. Since the first treatment I had neither taken my doctor’s prescription like muscle relaxants, antacid and ponstan for my backpain. Mr Hisham has observed that my hot temperedness has cool down and am a much more calmer person myself. I don’t understand nor notice the difference in myself until Mr hisham feedback to me. Until today my back and my knees felt more stabilize and felt so much better that I could carry on embarking on my hobbies like my recent NUS Biathlon, Spore biathlon, Army ½ marathon & New Balance Real Run.

Well, I’m thankful that I got that Bowen treatment from Mr Hisham and I wish more people would know and experience this Bowtech if they have the chance to. Mr Hisham has been very patient & supportive all this while and I would certainly recommend his service as a Bowen therapist and Pilates trainer to anyone out there.

Yours truly
IT Engineer

Dear Hisham,

The Bowen Technique is a really gentle and amazing body work system. The sessions with Hisham was really comfortable and relaxing. Its better than going to the spa but with the added effect that its healing my body and mind. Hisham is a really good therapist and his background as a Pilates instructor greatly enhances his work with this modality. I would definitely recommend him to anyone who is seeking balanced health or needs to address any specific health or emotional issues. I can never thank you enuf for improving my scoliosis problem.

Nixon Neo

Dear Hisham,

“First time encountering this extraordinary treatment for a deltoid injury … and it worked! ^.^ - SQ “ Thank you so much !!

SuQing (soo cheng)
Lab. Research scientist

P.I. L. A. T. E. S

What is Pilates ?

Pilates is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates.Joseph Pilates called his method Contrology, because he believed his method uses the mind to control the muscles. The program focuses on the core postural muscles which help keep the body balanced and which are essential to providing support for the spine. In particular, Pilates exercises teach awareness of breath and alignment of the spine, and strengthen the deep torso muscles, which are important to help alleviate and prevent back pain.

Back Pains

Slipped Disc, Degenerative Disc Disease, Coccyx Problem, Isthmic Spondylosis, facet joint syndrome, Bulging Disc, Lumbar spinal stenosis, Piriformis syndrome, S I Joint Problem, Sciatica, Pelvic Malalignment, Leg length discrepancy, Obesity, Pregnancy, Bad posture, Poor ergonimics, Scoliosis, Foot problems, Knee problems, Cervical spondylosis, Growth or tumour, Kidney problems, Liver problems

Back pain occurs abt 1 every 5 ppl for back/neck pain – 20% pop. Singaporean age 15 & above.
Lumbar Spine – carries most weight & nerves existing foramen (openings)


Balance of mind & body

An innate way of facilitating muscles re-organization at a subconscious level, allowing one to explore and assimilate more efficient control of body, better focus & clarity, mental alertness & quick response, better discipline attained spills into other areas of life, prevents deterioration of mind, Refreshing workout in both physical & mental/emotional aspects, Regeneration of body/mind/spirit: refreshed, vibrant & energized

Muscles: stretched & tone

Stabilizes muscles around joints - Joints & Ligaments: supple, Bones: align bones & promotes bone growth, symmetrically conditioned body imbibed with strength, flexibility, posture and coordination, improves coordination improves mobility (ROM), Movements practiced are translated into everyday routines & postures (Heightened awareness); perform tasks efficiently with economy of energy

Improper shoulder alignment Improper shoulder alignment

Due to occupational hazards & bad habits, thereby creating many restrictions and stress, increase efficiency of movement and diminish unwanted energy expenditures

Improved breathing: lung capacity

Improve in blood circulation (“internal shower”)
supply body with optimal oxygen (esp working muscles, brain consumes 20% of oxygen intake), removes waste products as much as possible (eg. stale air fm lungs), importance of synchronizing breathing with movement (eg. rolling like a ball)

Cosmetic, Preventive

Protect joints & muscles, Complements & improves performances in other sports (eg. dance, skating, golf), Rehab = alleviate medical conditions (eg. systemic diseases like hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, spine rehab, joint restrictions, surgery), =sports injury, trauma
=chronic & systemic pain fm daily life (eg. Occupational overuse syndrome, stress reduction, chronic fatigue), =several scientific studies conducted on it, -Pregnant women

After an injury or operation the muscles go into protective mode, guarding the injured area of the body. Many months, even years, after healing has taken place, the muscles may still be tense and weak in what was the injured area. Pain switches off the nerve fiber that connects with the muscle in the injured area. Unless retrained, the injured muscle will remain weak indefinitely. This can create an imbalance of the muscles resulting in muscle compensation, which, in turn, places greater strain on other muscles. Sometimes, the mind believes the body is unable to return to its pre-injury state and treats the post-injury or operation area as a ‘no go’ area. By gradually correcting the imbalance through Pilates, the mind will more confidently accept that it is safe to exercise what was once an injured area.

Fact & Myth

Some people still believe in a ‘no pain no gain’ theory of exercise, actually associating exercise with muscle fatigue and/or soreness. By contrast, Pilates teaches that sore muscles are, in fact, the result of the build-up of waste metabolites induced by muscle imbalance, muscle fatigue through excessive repetition, torn muscles, jarring movement, and the neglect of a warm-up and stretching programme.

Your body is your instrument and thus your responsibility. Take charge of it and take charge of your life. All you have to do is put your mind to it.

Pilates Therapy

Through out my experience teaching Pilates for the past 3 years, I discover that those having acute or chronic back pain have sought alternative treatment from physiotherapist, prescripted medications, acupuncture, chiropractors etc. But still at times their back problems are not duly resolved though they encountered some temporary relieve. This is because the root cause of the problem are not being delicately addressed and therefore the pain will keep on coming back again and again.

Many back problems need not be necessarily resolved via surgery unless truly necessary for the overall well being of the patient. I also discover that most people with back problems are not very water friendly. Meaning that they either consume too little water for their daily consumption or that they hate drinking water especially for those who are sweet tooth.

Depression can cause back problems believe it or not. When you are not feeling great inside emotionally, it will get trapped inside you and then sooner or later what you feel inside will manifest itselt posturally ld, e.g slouch, rounded shoulders, sunken ribs, emotionally sensitive as so on ..

I’m just sharing with you just the tip of the iceberg of what I know. When you have your PBT with me I will discuss in much greater detail in terms of diet and exercises, previous injuries or post surgeries etc. Whatever it is the PBT must be absolutely done on a 1 – 2 –1 basis.


Hi Hisham

I heard about the benefits of practicing Pilates from friends but did not really believe it till I signed up for your Pilates class about 5 months ago at Toa Payoh West CC. Being a relatively tall woman at 1.67cm, I have the habit of “hunching” my back/shoulders when I walk and hence developed a problem somewhat like “kyphosis”, over the years. At your Pilates classes, we were always reminded to “pull back our shoulders” when we executed the moves. These regular regimes have subconsciously helped to improve my bad posture and I feel and look less “hunched” nowadays. This benefit really came as a pleasant surprise to me. In addition, your emphasis on the exercise and control of my 4th quadrant muscles have also helped to strengthen my otherwise weak core muscles. I used to drag going for the exercise due to laziness but always feel “energized” after each Pilates lesson. In fact, I have grown to look forward to the lessons. Your fun and informal instruction style helps to “liven” the class and now that we are into the 3rd session of your class, I have always enjoyed your classes.

Elvina Tan N L

Dear Hisham,

I enjoy your pilates class very much. Thank you. Your class actually inspire me to do things I never thought I could do. 1st time in my last 18 yrs, taming myself to gym..
1st time in my last 20 yrs taming myself to do my morning walk almost daily!
1st time in the last 22yrs finally took up swimming lessons. After 8 lessons now I can do breaststroke on my own, tons of satisfaction! But all the above events occured when you asked me, “How come my muscles are so tight! ?” during my 1st pilates class with you! Whatever you’ve taught me and that I can remember & can do within my limits, I practice them every single day !!

Thanks again,

Janet Cheung


1st Bowen session - $60.00

2nd Bowensession - $70.00

3rd Bowen session - $75.00

Pilates private session - $90.00

Group Pilates (8 sessions) - $750.00

Bowtech Balance Formula - $50.00

Bowtech Ease - $ 55.00