After every treatment you will be advised to

Drink at least 5 - 8 cups of water everyday

Walking or gentle exercises in the sun for 20 - 30 min each day

Wait for at least 5 days after treatment before engaging any strenuos activity

Refrain from any other bodywork for at least 7 days before & after Bowen work

Do not apply heat/ice pad, essential oils, perfurme, etc on the day of treatment

Do not take hot showers e.g sauna. steambath. Lukewarm is fine

Please call therapist if you have questions after any treatment

No cellphones, mp3, Ipod etc in the treatment room

If you are diabetic, had breast implant, pregnant, please consult

Be aware approx. 5 to 7 days, the body will reset=reboot=realign=readjust=detox

You may experience slight feverish, nausea, tiredness, thirsty, aching, soreness, sleepy or discomfort. These are POSITIVE SIGNS so stay focus and be VERY patient

Minimise coffee/soda intakes during detox period

Do not sit longer than 1/2hr if you have back pain. Sit upright on sitz bones. Avoid slouching when sitting thus compressing on disc/nerves

Do not be alarmed / worried if you feel weird or strange feelings after treatment

Always TRUST your body cos it knows whats best for you after everry Bowen works