Bowen work is a system of soft-tissue manoeuvres that are performed in such a way that Proprioceptors (in the skin, fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints) via certain moves relay encoded signals from Peripheral Nervous System to the Central Nervous System. The technique is gentle and non-invasive. It can be performed through clothing. The Bowen technique is a completely new concept in bodywork. It is neither derived from nor similar to any other physical modality :

- Misalignments commonly right themselves – yet there is no manipulation of joints or bones as in chiropractic
- Muscle tensions and strains are relieved and normal lymphatic flow is restored – yet muscles are not squeezed as in massage.
- Meridians show immediate improvements – yet the work is not based on meridians and does not resemble acupuncture or acupressure.
- Fascia rehydrates, adhesions release and scar tissue softens – yet there is no heavy pressure as in Rolfing or deep-tissue work.
- Internal psychological shifts are common – yet it is not necessary to evoke emotional response as in mind-body therapies.