Body's Blueprint (Human Genome) - It taps into the body’s blueprint & resets the body to heal itself like defragmenting a computer.

‘Less Is More’ - Like a homeopathic remedy, Bowenwork is given in small doses.

‘Release Stored Energy’ - Bowen Therapy works because it releases stored energy within the body. Stored energy can cause dehydration of muscles and muscle tension. The Bowen moves release the blood trapped in these muscles and redistributes it through the body. Blood flow is vital as it carries all the nutrients and minerals our bodies need to maintain health. A healthy body can eliminate bacteria and infections that cause illness.

Piezoelecric Current - Most forms of bodywork create piezoelectric current, but Bowenwork moves create a stronger current because the moves are performed crosswise against collagen. Most other therapies push into the body so other structures limit how far the collagen can be stretched. Collagen has been found to exhibit properties that strongly resemble piezoelectric effects. (Shamos, M.H., 1967) Pirre and Paul-Jacques Curie doscovered the piezoelectric effect in 1880.

Ground substance (Gel-like material) - If ground substance loses hydration it hardens & waste & toxins excreted fro the cells can get trapped in the hardened gel. Thus it takes a stronger piezoelectric current created by Bowenwork moves to melt hardened ground substance.
Soliton (Mini-Tsunamis) - Soliton are concentric rings of waves. Contain ‘unseen’ energy but water becomes the medium through which energy travels. This is why tsunami can travel great distances without losing energy. This is the reason the waits in between allow time for the waves to dissipate before adding more moves.

Soliton waves create oscillation that clears the resonance left behind from toxins, illness, injuries & emotions. This allow the body to restore its own natural resonance which would be easy for solitons to travel because the body is mostly made up of 80% water.