In general, Pilates will help to improve your balance, coordination & blood circulation, balances body strength with flexibility and increases your core strength/stability & peripheral mobility.
Balance of mind & body
An innate way of facilitating muscles re-organization at a subconscious level, allowing one to explore and assimilate more efficient control of body, better focus & clarity, mental alertness & quick response, better discipline attained spills into other areas of life, prevents deterioration of mind, Refreshing workout in both physical & mental/emotional aspects, Regeneration of body/mind/spirit: refreshed, vibrant & energized.
Muscles: stretched & tone
Stabilizes muscles around joints -Joints & Ligaments: supple, Bones: align bones & promotes bone growth, symmetrically conditioned body imbibed with strength, flexibility, posture and coordination, improves coordination improves mobility (ROM), Movements practiced are translated into everyday routines & postures (Heightened awareness); perform tasks efficiently with economy of energy.
Improper shoulder alignment Improper shoulder alignment
Due to occupational hazards & bad habits, thereby creating many restrictions and stress, increase efficiency of movement and diminish unwanted energy expenditures.
Improved breathing: lung capacity
Improve in blood circulation (“internal shower”) supply body with optimal oxygen (esp working muscles, brain consumes 20% of oxygen intake), removes waste products as much as possible (eg. stale air fm lungs), importance of synchronizing breathing with movement (eg. rolling like a ball).
Cosmetic, Preventive
Protect joints & muscles, Complements & improves performances in other sports (eg. dance, skating, golf), Rehab = alleviate medical conditions (eg. systemic diseases like hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, spine rehab, joint restrictions, surgery), =sports injury, trauma=chronic & systemic pain fm daily life (eg. Occupational overuse syndrome, stress reduction, chronic fatigue), =several scientific studies conducted on it, -Pregnant women
In general, Pilates will help to improve your balance, coordination & blood circulation, balances body strength with flexibility and increases your core strength/stability & peripheral mobility.
Balance of mind & body
An innate way of facilitating muscles re-organization at a subconscious level, allowing one to explore and assimilate more efficient control of body, better focus & clarity, mental alertness & quick response, better discipline attained spills into other areas of life, prevents deterioration of mind, Refreshing workout in both physical & mental/emotional aspects, Regeneration of body/mind/spirit: refreshed, vibrant & energized.
Muscles: stretched & tone
Stabilizes muscles around joints -Joints & Ligaments: supple, Bones: align bones & promotes bone growth, symmetrically conditioned body imbibed with strength, flexibility, posture and coordination, improves coordination improves mobility (ROM), Movements practiced are translated into everyday routines & postures (Heightened awareness); perform tasks efficiently with economy of energy.
Improper shoulder alignment Improper shoulder alignment
Due to occupational hazards & bad habits, thereby creating many restrictions and stress, increase efficiency of movement and diminish unwanted energy expenditures.
Improved breathing: lung capacity
Improve in blood circulation (“internal shower”) supply body with optimal oxygen (esp working muscles, brain consumes 20% of oxygen intake), removes waste products as much as possible (eg. stale air fm lungs), importance of synchronizing breathing with movement (eg. rolling like a ball).
Cosmetic, Preventive
Protect joints & muscles, Complements & improves performances in other sports (eg. dance, skating, golf), Rehab = alleviate medical conditions (eg. systemic diseases like hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, spine rehab, joint restrictions, surgery), =sports injury, trauma=chronic & systemic pain fm daily life (eg. Occupational overuse syndrome, stress reduction, chronic fatigue), =several scientific studies conducted on it, -Pregnant women