Accredited Bowen Practitioner B.T.A.A
Cerified Pilates Trainer Dip. A & P (UK)
For appt pls call +65 93884464
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Cerified Pilates Trainer Dip. A & P (UK)
For appt pls call +65 93884464
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Mr Noor Hiham Noor a Certified Bowen Therapy Practitioner and Pilates Trainer. In 2006, he is one of few Singaporeans to study the Bowen Technique under the tutelage of Mrs Julianna Allen from Albany Australia. Since graduated in early 2007, he has made considereable success using the Bowen technique on his patients so far.
Aside from the holistic therapy, He has been a Piltes teacher/movement thrapist since 2005 where he was certified by Pilates Bodyworks under tutelage & guidance of Mr Alvin Giam. He is giving both group & personalised instructions using matwork, fitball & resistance work for rehabilation purposes as well for fitness workouts.